How can you change your account password? The MyMapit platform allows the user to change their account password as per the requirement. A quick guide to understand the process.
How can you add trial candidates? The platform allows the recruiter to add demo candidates to have a dry run of the test before making a test live.
How to add contact details? Touch point is the point of contact between the candidate and the evaluator. Quick steps on how to add touch points.
How can you redirect candidates to the custom page? The custom page is the page that the candidate is redirected to after completion of the test. A quick guide to adding custom page to your test.
How to Restrict Languages in Coding Questions? The platform provides the option of having more than one coding languages to solve a coding question and also restrict the option as well.
How To Get Email Notification When Candidate Completes The Test? The platform provides its user to enable the option of getting email notifications when a candidate has completed the test.
How to delete or cancel a test invite? The platform provides the user to invite a candidate for an Invite Only test. The invite sent to the candidate...
How to add and share feedback on candidate’s report? The platform allows the recruiter to leave a comment or feedback on a candidate in the reports section. In this article...
How to use question pooling? Question Pooling is one of the features provided by the platform where enabling it ensures that, within a section, every candidate...
How to mandate candidate for full screen during test? The platform offers users the option of viewing their test in full-screen mode to the candidates when they take up the test. This is how...