MAPIT platform allows the recruiter to enable the option of email notification when a candidate completes the test that is being taken.
The notification can be enabled for a current test that is live and also for the Test Template which is the blueprint of the test, i.e, all the tests that are further hosted will have the following notification enabled.
This is how it can be done:
Method :
Step 1: Log into your MAPIT account
Step 2: Click on Manage Tests on the Menu bar
Step 3: Click on Test Template (or) Test Hosted
Step 4: Click on Edit next to the concerned test
Step 5: Click on Settings on the side menu
Step 6: Click on Mail Settings on the side menu
Step 7: Enable Email Report and upload the email address of the receiver of the notification by selecting +Add Receiver
Step 8 (Optional): More than one email address can be added as per the requirement of the test.