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  3. How To Create A Test And Host It?

How To Create A Test And Host It?

  • You must first start by creating a test template.(The test template is a blueprint of the test)
  • Next, you host the test by generating a link.  

Here’s a simple guide, to walk you through the process.


1- Choose the Test Type

You will choose a template title and the test type

.  Log into you MAPIT account
        Select  Manage Tests on the Menu bar
Select + Create a Test Template on the upper right corner of the Tests Hosted page
Create a Template Title (This will be the title of your test once you host it)
     For example: Let us keep the name of the test as ‘Tester 1
B.  Select the type of test – Public* or Private *
For Example: Let us select the type of our test as Public
C.  Click on Create

A public test is where a public test link is generated and can be taken up by all candidates, by sharing the link on various social media platforms, groups etc.
A private test can be taken only by selected candidates who are invited by the platform via email.


2 –  Enter the  Basic Details

You can edit the test description and instructions.

A.  Make changes to the information provided, if required (You can preview the changes on the left side of the screen.)
B.  Click on Save

3 – Add Questions into Your Test

You can add questions in the default section provided

A.  Choose between the categories provided- MCQs, Coding and Submission
B.  Choose from both public questions (provided by the platform) or your private questions.

For Example: Add a few  MCQ questions  into the test from the MCQ library, by clicking on either Add MCQ (private questions) or Choose MCQ From Library
Click on Add Selected Questions

The public questions library is updated every two weeks You can click on the ‘eye icon’ to preview the questions.

4 – Build Additional Sections into Your Test

Create a complete test by adding additional sections.

Click on Sections on the side bar.
B.  C
lick on  + Add Section.
You can add question into every section by following step two.

You can preview the number of questions in each level ( easy, intermediate and hard) along with the total marks allotted by accessing the Section Summary on the top right corner of the section window.

5 – Customize Your Section Settings

Change the settings in an individual section of the test.

A.  Make changes under Section Settings on the right side of the section window.
B.  Click on Save

Window Proctoring- A cheating prevention mechanism which mandates the candidate to stay on the test window throughout the duration of this section.
Question Shuffling – Shuffle questions in a random order every time a candidate takes the test.
Duration – Fix a time within which candidates must complete this section.
Attempt Once – Disallow candidates from re- attempting previous questions.
Hide marks from candidates – Have the option of hiding marks from the candidates if required.
Question pooling – A cheating prevention mechanism which chooses random questions from the selected list, without changing the test break-up.

6 – Configure the Overall Settings for the Test

Changes made here will be applicable for the entire test.

Access Settings from the sidebar.
B.  Make necessary changes (Choose from options in the drop down menu)
Click on Save.

Test settings – This refers to the individual settings of a particular test such as webcam, candidate resume, email verification etc.
Questionnaire – After the candidate registers, a questionnaire can be customized to collect required candidate information such as their current CTC, current location employee reference etc.
Touch point – This is the point of contact between the candidate and the evaluator.
Test report settings – This allows you to gauge your candidate’s performance through customizable rankings.
For example : For this test, a candidate who scores between 0 and 40 will be ranked as ‘Poor’.
Test Report Mail Settings – Receive an email whenever a candidate completes your test and also ensure the candidate receives an email that his test has been submitted.
Test Completion URL Settings –The candidate will be redirected to the given URL after the completion of the test, if the test setting is configured to do so.

7 – Customize the Public Page

Public Page is the page that candidates will see when they click on the public test link. This is for promoting your company brand image.

Click on Public Preview from the side bar.
Customize and preview this page.

Your Test Template is created and you can access the template at any time from Manage Tests> Test Template

8 – Host the Test

Host the test for it to go live.

The are two ways of hosting a test.
        a. Method 1-  Host the test directly after creation of test template
(Click on
Host this test, on the top right corner)

For Example: Select Host this Test option next to ‘Tester 1’.
        b. Method 2-  Host the test from the repository of test templates, when you want to go live(Manage Test> Test Template> Click on Host This Test)
Fill in the final details* before the test becomes public.
Click on Publish.

You can customize the opening and closing time of the test. This refers time to the commencement and completion of the test.
For Example: Let us set the test opening time as August 1 2017 at 10:30 am and closing time at 11:00am You can customize the cut off marks for the test as well.

Create a public link to share with your  candidates to take up the test.

Manage Test > Test Hosted (The test will be displayed in the tests hosted tab).
B.  Select Generate Public Link.
Copy the link and paste it in all you respective social media platforms and groups.

Congratulations, you have successfully created and hosted your test !!

Updated on June 21, 2018

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