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A quick guide to Adaptive Tests

In simple words, Adaptive tests are intelligent computer-based tests which uniquely adapts or modifies its difficulty level based on the candidate’s earlier responses.

MAPIT also has the provision of adaptive tests. Contact the support team to enable the adaptive test.

Understand MAPIT’s Adaptive Tests Better

MAPIT’s Adaptive tests can be utilized to enhance the performance of a candidate and measure the skills for both an average and highly skilled candidate.

At first, the candidate is provided with questions whose difficulty level is Easy.
If the candidate answers correctly then the difficulty level will be escalated to Intermediate. If the candidate continues answering correctly then the difficulty level of the questions will move on to Hard.

However, if the candidate does not answer the Easy questions correctly then they will be provided with Easy questions consecutively. Upon answering correctly only, the difficulty level of the question will proceed to Intermediate and eventually Hard.

Continue reading further to know How to enable Adaptive test:

Step 1: Log into your MAPIT account
Step 2: Click on Manage Tests  on the Menu bar
Step 3: Click on Test template and click on Edit next to the concerned test
Step 4: Go to  Sections on the Side bar and add questions.

When you choose questions for an Adaptive test, ensure that the difficulty levels of the questions range from Easy, Intermediate to Hard.
This will help the system in choosing among all the levels of questions.

Step 5: Click on Advanced Settings under Section Settings.


Step 6: Enable Adaptive Test.


• Input the marks for each level of question. While giving the marks for each level ensure that the marks are in ascending order from Easy, Intermediate to Hard.
For example,
Easy- 3; Medium- 6 and Hard- 8.
• Next, provide the number of questions which will be pooled together and presented to the candidate among all the questions in the Section.
For example, 10. Which will be shown to the candidate during the test. 


Updated on June 12, 2018

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