How can you hide marks from a candidate during a test? A quick guide to the users on how to hide the marks obtained by a candidate to hide from them.
How can you add more options in a MCQ? The platform allows you to add more options/choices in a Multiple Choice Question. A brief guide for the same.
Are the online submission questions automatically corrected by the system? No, there is no automatic correction of the online submission questions, by the system.
Which browsers are supported? Our platform supports all available browsers except Internet Explorer. BUT IT’S BEST TO GIVE TEST ON CHROME
How to Restrict Languages in Coding Questions? The platform provides the option of having more than one coding languages to solve a coding question and also restrict the option as well.
How To Get Email Notification When Candidate Completes The Test? The platform provides its user to enable the option of getting email notifications when a candidate has completed the test.
How to invite a candidate for an Invite only Test? A quick guide to how send out invite to candidates for a test for an Invite Only Test.
How to enable onscreen calculator? The platform provides the recruiter to enable a calculator while a candidate is taking a test. This is how it...
How to add cut off marks for each section in a test? The platform provides the recruiter the option of adding cut off marks for the overall test in the Test Template. There...
How to delete or cancel a test invite? The platform provides the user to invite a candidate for an Invite Only test. The invite sent to the candidate...